Wednesday, May 4, 2011

2 Skanks + 1 guy glued to a toilet = Really?

So apparently FL is the place to live if you are a total mess. Skank Example A (lcoholic). Poor Poor Charlene Johnson  (think she's drunk?) was pulled over in Stuart, FL on SUSPICION of DUI...police say her car was weaving from lane to lane. As police approached the car, they found Ms. Johnson  and 100% naked in the drivers seat. When officers asked her why she was so upset, she explained that she had gotten into a fight with her boyfriend. As to why she was naked, she said "I don't know". Really...Idiot. Officers go on to say that as she got out of the car  she could barely stand and they had to save her from falling into traffic several times. She struggled to put her uniform back on and was arrested for DUI, possession, and for being a complete loser.

Example B (ikini wax). Personally, I try not to text and drive, drive and eat...I mean we all do it but it's not smart. Obviously Megan Barnes  of FL is more talented that the rest of us...or so she thought. Florida highway patrol says that this Lady caused an accident because she was too busy shaving her  (that's a bee hive) to pay attention to the road. At the scene Ms. Barnes said she was on the way to a date and "wanted to be ready for the visit." Listen Lady, I realize that mugshots are never flattering. That said, with a face like that and a severe need for I think it's a safe bet that whatever homeless man you were going to get paid to have sex with would've been ok regardless of your...situation. If you lived closer I'd have you call Where Commerical and Residential Clients Expect The Best.. Yes, it's a landscaping company called Miss Mow it all! To no ones surprise, Ms. Barnes does not have a valid drivers license oh, and the day before had gotten a DUI. This lady is a total twat...with an impeccably groomed one!

Lastly, this poor poor poor man.In Maryland, Police are on the hunt for a "prankster" that put  all over the toilet seat in a wal-mart bathroom. The police arrived at the scene to find the 48 year old man stuck to the . It took more than 15 minutes for officials to remove the man from the stall but they were unable to remove the seat from his...behind and he had to be taken to the hospital. No serious injuries were reported. What a sticky situation...lesson learned, NEVER use the bathroom at


  1. Your blog makes me happy to be me.

  2. That lady that was ladyscaping had her ex-boyfriend in the car while she was "taking care of business" on the way to her date. There are just no words. Except that at least they aren't from Ky :)

  3. My question...why couldn't he have been driving haha!
